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Overseas Chinese in UK protest against Hague award

发布时间:2016-07-18  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Around 1,000 overseas Chinese have gathered in London to protest against the decision of an arbitral tribunal in favor of the Philippines, in what China views as a matter of sovereignty.

Photo taken on July 16, 2016 shows Chinese protesters from across Britain gathered in London to take part in a mass demonstration to protest against the award issued by an ad hoc tribunal concerning the South China Sea. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Photo taken on July 16, 2016 shows Chinese protesters from across Britain gathered in London to take part in a mass demonstration to protest against the award issued by an ad hoc tribunal concerning the South China Sea. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

The protesters came from more than 50 communities in Britain to Chinatown for Saturday’s demonstration. They marched through one of the city’s busiest streets, Regent Street, to the embassies of the Philippines and the United States. They held banners saying “Say No to Arbitration,” and “Settle Disputes in Genuine Bilateral Negotiation.”

On Tuesday, the arbitral tribunal based in The Hague issued an award, which sweepingly sides with the Philippines. It rejects China’s long-standing historical rights in the South China Sea.

Representatives of the protesters said that a fair and valid arbitration process should be agreed by both sides. They called for resolving disputes through bilateral negotiations.

中国全民传媒网摘编GAN JADE

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